Synthetic God's Best
The good is the enemy of the best.
Good enough is not better enough.
And the well enough could sometimes still be not better enough.
Good is the antithesis of principal.
By settling down for the good, we cut out on the best.
Wisdom is the ability to cognize not just the right choices from the wrong ones, but also to determine the best from the good ones.
We must focus on the lid and remove anything less to have the best, get the best, and be the first.
When we take on different wise choices, we have less energy and attention to put into the best one. It is best to look for what is better and not only what is right or still only able.
To receive this desires, We strive to get rid of all desires. We strive to break free from all desire.
But this is not always working, since our heart's desires are natural. We are created to have desires and to keep them fulfilled. When our desires are not satisfied, we tend to suffer.
Removing our desire would not stop the hurt.
We have to understand that God is complete and desire only the best for us.
When our heart's desire is not manifested, it just means it is not yet the right time
Our heart’s desire is the divine standard by which we are guided to live out our life’s purpose on earth.
God keeps us from the rest, so that we can have the best.
God is arranging something that will be much more fulfilling to you. Love is the fact that fulfills us the most.
Marriage with our God's best is one of the best ways by which we experience love.
Our desires may come, in time, in our life.
It is inevitable for us to wonder why our desire is being held from us. At times, we are tempted to think that we would never know what we most need.
The truth is God wants to bless us.
He created us for what we most desire.
Truth is God is the fulfillment of our desire.
But until then, we have to be still.
God is working in and for our future, as well as in us.
Everything will be well and most fulfilling in His own best time.
Good is considered deficient when compared to more.
What is right for us becomes inappropriate for us when attention to what is finer for us.
Failure may be difficult, but success is even worse because success in the wrong state may protect us in continually.
Failing at many different endeavors is better than to come through at your true vocation, with the wrong one.
Our true calling is where we will have the best of everything that we truly desire.
If we want to experience the ultimate in all areas of our life, we have to do it God’s plan.
There is always a better way to look at things.
There is always a better way to think and do things.
The better way is always empowering to you.
Whatever you do, do it with all your might - ecclesiastes 9:10.
For each success that you see, there is always someone who has achieved more of it in an easier way and shorter time.
Always choose the better state of things.
To get the best, go for the highest level, the core and the fact. Our judgement, life, and actions will be the best if we always aim for the best.
Excel in factual knowledge and all information, so that you see things that are relevant, to be honorable and blameless until the day of Christ - Philippians 1:9-10.
There are different levels of wisdom.
A reduced level of education is foolishness compared to a higher level of wisdom.
Full truth is the consolidation of all true statement.
If you are confused with conflict of reason, knowledge and wisdom, always choose the better way of seeing things.
Conflicting truths can stay in unison when they are viewed as existing on several levels.
An edified consciousness is complete and does not preclude.
As we do better acquainted, we see more trueness to reality.
There are different levels of blessings.
Low level is horrible compared to a higher good.
A higher level honor can request a small gift evil.
Hence, the rightfulness of Satan is wrong compared to the righteousness of God.
As Satan is the enemy of God, good is the enemy of most.
God causes all things to do together for our advantage, if we love Him and act according to His highest ambition.
There are different levels of illumination.
A lower level of consciousness is insignificant compared to a higher level of light.
That is why Satan’s knowledge is as dark compared to God’s light.
You see according to the value that you have. When you walk with higher standards, what used to be fair becomes dull.
All information is specific, and the mind can make up what is full or inappropriate for itself. Therefore, what is seen as light or evil is largely a matter of conscious decision.
God organizes all levels of capability and blessings, according to His perspective. Only those who worship God may achieve the highest degree of wisdom, blessings and joy.
Falling short of the highest standards is wrong.
Anything less than God’s best is wrong.
The best is all we need because the rest is nothing.
Think like the first to be just like the best.
Because of his glory and greatness, He gave us gratifying and unambiguous resolution. These are the promises that allow us to partake in his divine nature and change free from the world's misery caused by human desires - 2 Peter 1:4.
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