Are you disappointed?
Jacob was when he realized his unworthiness of all the love and faithfulness God showed him (Genesis 32:10). When God came to Moses with a mission to lead His people, He got angry at Moses not because of his humble self-opinion but of his lack of confidence in God's power. Exodus 3:11-4:10. When a person is paralyzed by a sense of guilt, unworthiness, uselessness, not self-esteem. He assured Moses of His presence. He asked Moses to look to Him to survive. The biblical key to our helplessness is not arrogance but sovereign grace.
God's way of freeing and mobilizing people is by showing them His presence and power. Do you feel helpless, spiritually bankrupt before God? Do you feel morally tainted, personally unworthy before God? Then you are blessed! Until you realize that there would be no life, success or usefulness, without God's grace, you would never be blessed. You see everybody is poor in spirit, but only those who know their inadequacies, guilt, failures, helplessness, unworthiness and emptiness are driven to the grace of God. My friend, there is no need for you to pretend that you are all sufficient. Do not be too hard on yourself. Your inadequacies are just. God knows us. He created us. He never created us to be self-reliant.
God wants us to rely on Him. He wants us to draw near to Him. You are blessed because you will be comforted. God promised to be with you. So do not hesitate, for He is with you. Do not be dismayed. He will strengthen and help you. He will help you with His moral authority hand(Isaiah41:10). Just remember His holiness and only yield and you will be comforted. Replace self-reliance with childlike God-reliance. Replace self-trust with surrendered God-confidence. Self-determination with sovereign grace. Self-esteem with magnificent mercy for the unworthy. God blesses the poor who perceive their need for him - Matthew 5:3.